Taking care of your yoga mat is essential!

Whether you practice yoga more or less regularly at home or in a studio, you’re bound to have bought a yoga mat. However, if you’re going to use your mat for a long time, it’s important to take care of it. In fact, there are a number of ways to care for your mat, and these vary from one to another. Here’s a guide to help you.

Before starting your sessions

First, clean your hands and feet. Your hands and feet will be touching your yoga mat regularly during your sessions. As they’re parts of our bodies that get dirty easily, they’ll also get your yoga mat dirty. So, by cleaning your hands and feet, you’ll avoid damaging your mat with any traces of dirt that may be on your hands and feet, as well as preventing the spread of germs and other bacteria.

After your yoga sessions

Next, it’s essential to disinfect your mat after each use. There are several options for doing this;

  • First, you can use baby wipes. Particularly those for sensitive skin, as you’ll avoid getting an oily deposit on your mat.
  • You can also use special yoga mat wipes. These are usually available in sports stores or online.
  • You can also use a clean cloth dampened with a natural detergent. This is also available from sports stores or online.
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Storing your carpet

You need to think about where you store your mat, as this will have a direct impact on the lifespan of your yoga mat. A dry place away from dust, dirt and sunlight will preserve the condition of your mat’s materials. Also, to maximize the condition of your yoga mat, consider switching the direction in which you roll it, or rolling it less tightly if you don’t use it daily.

Travel bags

Ideally, if you use your mat in a yoga studio, a travel bag is a good investment. The bag will protect your mat from any dirt or accidents that may occur during transport.

Non-slip towels

Many people don’t think about it, but non-slip yoga towels are a must-have. These towels are placed directly on your mat. They prevent you from slipping and absorb a considerable amount of dirt and perspiration. You can also buy them in sports stores or online.

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Cleaning frequency

The ideal frequency is after each use. Since your mat will be rolled up and put away, cleaning after each use will maximize its lifespan and reduce the proliferation of bacteria that can cause mildew stains. Otherwise, we recommend cleaning at least once a month.

For more information about preventive maintenance or to book an appointment with a reputable dry carpet cleaning company: contact us.

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